Taxline Newsletter Summer 2007

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A few of the headlines for this issue:

taxline newsletter summer 2007Record collections, surplus mean break for taxpayers

With the efforts of the men and women who staff the Fulton County Tax Commissioner’s Office, the office has once again collected a record number of dollars, which has helped to bolster the County’s financial position like never before. Because of our efforts, the Fulton County Commissioners were able to adopt the 2007 F i n a l Bu d g e t , leaving the County’s General Fund with a projected $46 million surplus and a reserve fund of $55 million.

Tax Commissioner Arthur Ferdinand greets Atlanta Braves All-Star Brian Jordan on the set of TAX MATTERS.


Knowing “ABCs” of property tax exemptions and assessments can save you money

As we get closer to the time property owners can expect their tax bills in the mail, it may be a good time to remind citizens of the “ABCs” of property-tax exemptions and property-tax assessments. Exemptions are defined as relief from a certain amount or proportion of tax liability granted to a property owner upon approval of an application. The application deadline, this year, to receive an exemption for the 2007 tax bill, was March 1. But if you did not apply in time, you do not have to wait until next year’s deadline to file for the exemption for 2008.

To read the Full Issue (in pdf format) CLICK HERE